
A Caregiver's Narrative: Loving someone with schizophrenia

Paula's journey with her father's schizophrenia sheds light on the challenges, stigma, and the profound impact that serious mental illness can have on the whole family. 

February 28th, 2024

Audio Block
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Subjects Discussed: How physically scarred characters inspire dimension inside characters, Flannery O’Connor’s thoughts on the grotesque, how character details create mystery, Dorothea Lange and the Dust Bowl…

May 28th, 2014

Episode 113 — Paula Bomer: From Otherppl with Brad Listi

Oct 14, 2012

Otherppl with Brad Listi is a weekly literary podcast featuring in-depth conversations with today's leading writers. Click HERE to start listening.

Subjects Discussed: Katie Roiphe’s In Praise of Messy Lives, similarities between exploring women’s issues in fiction and hyperbolic op-ed journalists, how emotional candor and candid language reveals issues about women and motherhood, people who use children as an excuse not to write…

August 31, 2012

Audio Block
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The Bat Segundo Show and Follow Your Ears

Paula Bomer appeared on The Bat Segundo Show #375. She is most recently the author of Baby.

January 20, 2011